Why would you choose

to Come to Turkey?

Turkey is a country with many advantages such as geographical location, being a tourism country, advanced health technology, quality health services and affordable prices.  Thanks to Key Assistance, you can have a pleasant holiday after coming to Turkey and completing your treatments without any difficulties in the transport process.

Turkey’s health institutions can compete with Western countries in terms of technological infrastructure. Training and Research Hospitals are the leader of the region in terms of infrastructure. In addition, Turkey ranks 2nd in the world in terms of the number of hospitals accredited with JCI.

Doctors in Turkey are subjected to specialisation training for a few years after completing a challenging medical education in a period of 6 years. Doctors who start their duties in a well-equipped manner fulfil their duties in the best way in technologically advanced hospitals.

More than 200 thousand international students from 182 countries of the world study at universities in Turkey. Turkey, which has developed further in the field of education with the investments made in recent years, is among the top 10 countries that “host the most international students” in the world.

The diplomas you will receive from universities in Turkey, which has geographical location and economic advantages in education as well as in the field of health, are valid all over the world. In this way, you can freely make your career plans after graduation.

There are accommodation options for every budget in every city in Turkey. There are many dormitories for university students, both within the state and through private organisations.

In order to ensure that you do not have language problems in Turkey, we provide you with interpretation services in different languages including Turkish, English, Arabic, French, Russian and Arabic throughout your treatment process. Students can attend Turkish language courses offered by TÖMER. TÖMER has an extensive teaching network and conducts online placement tests for foreign students. There are also many universities in Turkey whose medium of instruction is English.

Unlike intermediary companies in health services, Key Assistance acts as the representative of the contracted health institutions / hospitals. The hospitals it represents have the capacity to provide services in all branches with advanced health technology such as robotic surgery etc. applications and specialised doctors in their field. Therefore, when you contact the Key Assistance representative office in your country or our head office, you will directly reach a health institution and receive scientific consultancy. Thus, you will have the opportunity to finalise your transactions faster without wasting time. In addition, thanks to Key Assistance’s transport, interpretation and accommodation services, you will not experience any difficulties during the examination and treatment process.

As Key Assistance, we are not the only one in this field, but we claim to be the best. We solve health problems that cannot be solved in your country or that require further examination and treatment. Moreover, we provide you with the opportunity to obtain these solutions with much more economic advantages compared to developed countries.


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